Saturday Clinic for student athletes
in and around san antonio
in partnership with Christus Santa Rosa Sports Medicine
What is The Saturday Clinic for student athletes?
During the academic school year, our physicians have office hours on Saturdays specifically for student athletes at our Alamo Heights Location - no appointment necessary! Our number one priority at Ortho San Antonio is the success of our athletes, both on and off the field.
We are your orthopedic specialists providing high quality care in orthopedic sports medicine. We are specialty trained and experienced, offering our patients the highest quality care for their specific orthopedic needs. We have partnered with Christus Santa Rosa to provide comprehensive orthopedic care not only in the medical center area, but across the entire region as well!

What you need to know
What should each athlete bring?
A parent, guardian, athletic trainer, or coach
Proof of health insurance (school or personal)
If you have school insurance, you must
have a form signed by one of your parents/guardians/a completed student claim form from your schoolIf any X-rays or MRI were done before your visit to the clinic, be sure to bring a copy of the films with the report
A completed registration packet (Pick this up from your trainer or coach. This will streamline your visit once you arrive.)
What should each athlete know?
Date of birth
Student/athlete social security number
Home phone number
Parent's/guardian's name, employer, and work phone number
Name of the school you attend
Athletic trainer's or coach's name
2024-2025 Saturday Clinic Schedule
Please see the calendar below for days & times.
Why is physical therapy important in sports medicine?
Physical Therapy is critical for so many conditions and reasons, especially for athletes. A physical therapist analyzes and tailors a plan for your unique needs—whether it's strength, stability, balance, or more.
Once you've completed your physical therapy course, they'll teach you exercises to do at home and incorporate into your daily routine. Physical therapy isn't just a short term activity, it can enhance and improve your life for years to come!
MEet our sports medicine physicians
Dr. Matthew Murray
Dr. Travis Burns
Dr. Jesse DeLee
Dr. Ramy Noche
Dr. Samantha Baginski
Ortho San Antonio’s Saturday Clinic Location
423 Treeline Park, Suite 350
San Antonio, TX 78209
Select Saturdays
Registration: 5:45-9 a.m.
Exams: Begin at 6 a.m.

The providers at Ortho San Antonio have provided over 160 years of combined experience. Our practice consists of board certified orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine physicians, & physical therapists to ensure we are with you every step of the way.
Our goal is to get you back to what you enjoy, safely.