Life After A Shoulder Replacement


“So before my shoulder surgery, I was not functional at all.”

I'm right-handed and it was my right shoulder. Any daily activity was extremely painful and difficult. And there were so many things I just couldn't do.

And besides not being able to do them, I was in pain. I was in terrible pain all the time. Any little bit of motion for my shoulder was just really horrible.

It was so frustrating that I couldn't do basic activities; swimming, or playing sports, those things were well out of my reach. Those were never things I could even consider doing.

I tried pretty much everything. I did occupational therapy, physical therapy, countless steroid injections, I did cupping, I did acupuncture, I did tens units, I did a point stimulator. I had done everything for years, many, many years, and was just not functional. And I never was really told that I could get much better than what I was because it had been so long that I had been limited so far.

So I had met Dr. Burns at the hospital when he worked for the military hospital and when he saw me, we talked about it, he knew I already knew that I needed a replacement, he tried to convince me a couple years ago to do it. And so we knew I was at the point where I just had to have it done.

He was the only person I was going to trust to do this for me.

Because my shoulder had been bad for so long, we didn't expect me to get a normal range of motion. If I could get something functional, we were going to consider the surgery a success. And I was fine with that.

I've gotten almost normal range of motion back, in almost every direction and it's all pain-free. Every bit of my motion is pain-free and that's exceeded any expectations I had for myself. I'm just shocked that I'm doing as well as I am.

It's great that this has definitely changed my life. I tell people all the time that shoulder replacement surgery is probably the best thing I've ever done.

I can do whatever I want to do with my arm and I can live a normal life and do fun things that I would never expect I'd ever be able to do.

“I can go, I can have fun, I can live my life! So thank you, Dr. Burns, you have changed my life.” - Lori, Dr. Burns Patient

At Ortho San Antonio, our orthopedic doctors’ main concern is and always has been the complete and total recovery of the patient. When it comes to sports medicine and orthopedic needs, Ortho San Antonio is a step above the rest!

Get to know Dr. Burns by scheduling an appointment with him or any of our orthopedic specialists at Ortho San Antonio today!


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