Can You Prevent Hand & Wrist Arthritis?

Are you worried about developing hand arthritis? Arthritis of the hand/wrist, also known as basal joint arthritis, can make activities such as gripping objects or opening jars painful.

In this blog, let's explore the question: “Can we truly prevent hand & wrist arthritis?” Discover proactive measures for safeguarding your hands and preventing arthritis with lifestyle changes and targeted exercises.

first things first,

what is hand & Wrist arthritis?

Hand Surgeon in San Antonio, Texas

Hand and Wrist Arthritis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation and joint degeneration. The term ‘arthritis’ refers to inflammation of the joints, and there are many types of arthritis that can affect the joints.

There are several types and causes of hand and wrist arthritis, including:

  • Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, affects the hands and wrists most commonly and is associated with aging. Osteoarthritis of the hand and wrist is most commonly caused by prior injuries and wear & tear.

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks the healthy joints, tissues, and organs. As a result, joints may be inflamed, stiff, swollen, deformed, and lose their functionality.

  • Psoriatic Arthritis occurs when psoriasis is present and is thought to be an autoimmune disorder as well. The immune system attacks the hand and wrist joints.

  • Post-Traumatic Arthritis develops after a hand or wrist injury, including a fracture, dislocation, or severe sprain. If the joint is injured, the structure can be disrupted, resulting in arthritis.

Individuals may experience different symptoms of hand and wrist arthritis, which develop gradually over time. Symptoms include pain, stiffness, swelling, and decreased range of motion in the affected joints. Simple tasks can become challenging and painful as the condition progresses.

Exercise and physical therapy for hand & wrist arthritis prevention

Exercise and physical therapy can play a crucial role in preventing and managing hand and wrist arthritis. You can strengthen hand muscles, improve joint flexibility, and reduce pain by performing targeted exercises. You may find these exercises and therapies helpful:

1. Hand Stretches: Flexibility and stiffness can be improved with simple hand stretches. Gently stretch your fingers, bend them backward, and make a fist, repeating these movements several times a day.

2. Grip Strengthening: Improve your grip strength by squeezing a soft ball or stress ball. You can gradually increase the resistance or use a hand exercise device designed specifically for this purpose.

3. Heat and Cold Therapy: Using heat or ice on your hands can relieve pain and reduce inflammation. For heat therapy, use a warm towel, heating pad, or warm water soak. For cold therapy, ice packs wrapped in towels or cold therapy gloves can be applied.

4. Physical Therapy: It can be highly beneficial to work with a physical therapist who specializes in hand rehabilitation. As well as guiding you through specific exercises, they can also provide manual therapy techniques and help you identify and correct improper hand movements.

Any exercise or therapy program should be discussed with a healthcare professional or physical therapist first.

Lifestyle changes to prevent hand & wrist arthritis

Lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the risk of developing or slowing down the progression of the disease. Your hands can be protected and healthy by making a few small changes to your daily routine.

1. Maintain a Healthy Weight: You can strain your hands as a result of carrying an excessive amount of weight. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce stress on your joints and lower your risk of hand and wrist arthritis.

2. Incorporate Regular Exercise: By strengthening the muscles in your hands and fingers, you can improve joint stability and flexibility. Incorporate hand stretches, grip exercises, and finger movements into your fitness regimen.

3. Practice Joint-Friendly Activities: There are certain activities that can increase the risk of developing arthritis in your hands due to excessive strain. Whenever possible, avoid repetitive motions, excessive gripping, and activities that require a tight grip for a long period of time. Consider joint-friendly alternatives instead, or take frequent breaks to rest your hands.

4. Protect Your Hands: Whenever you engage in activities that could harm your hands, such as gardening or sports, be sure to wear protective gear, such as gloves or wrist supports. Taking these precautions can help prevent injuries that may cause arthritis in the hands.

By incorporating these lifestyle changes into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing hand and wrist arthritis. In addition, you can maintain the overall health of your hands.

By taking care of your hand health now, you can ensure that your hands remain functional and pain-free for years to come. Embrace a life with healthy, strong hands by implementing these preventative measures today.

Brandon Stein, MD - Hand Surgeon in San Antonio


If you are experiencing hand & wrist arthritis, schedule an appointment with Dr. Stein, our hand specialist at Ortho San Antonio. He is here to provide you with the expertise you need to navigate this injury and achieve the best possible outcome.


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